About Transgressing

  • You are new in the community and want to learn how we practice consent

  • You’ve been told you’ve crossed a boundary or violated someone’s consent and you want to learn how to prevent doing so again

  • You want to work on healing a consent violation with a partner or with your community

  • You want to go deeper into navigating consent

  • You want to increase your skills to expand your sex life and deepen intimacy with more safety for yourself and others

  • You want to learn from experienced people how consent can work

About Surviving

  • You are new to the community and you want to learn to set limits

  • You’ve had a boundary crossed or experienced violation and you want to learn how to recover and how to prevent recurrences

  • You want to take your sex life and intimate relationships further or deeper and learn how to navigate that more safely

  • You’ve ever been too embarrassed to safeword or say “no”

  • You want to learn from experienced people how consent can work


Navigating Consent is a registered 501(c)3. All donations are tax deductible.