For Community…By Community

We are members of the community. Some are founders of communities; some are title holders; some are mental health professionals. We represent many genders, many sexual identities, many stops along the power exchange continuum. Some are new; others have been around for decades.

We come from many walks of life. And we’re all passionate about consent.

About the Classes

We created these classes as an ongoing resource to the sex-positive communities. When you have people in your communities who could use these classes, please send them along to us.

The Navigating Consent series consists of two paths of six classes each:
1) Claiming Your Consent: About Surviving
2) Honoring Others’ Consent: About Transgressing

Sign up (coming soon) and come to the full series of six classes or come for the classes you are able. Drop ins are always welcome, with registration.

We are holding this series as a resource for people who want to learn more skills in these areas, especially those new to our community who have not yet learned how our culture manages consent.

Feel free to refer others to our classes including those who have been banned or suspended from a guest list because of nonconsensual misconduct. Our classes are designed to help them learn some of the skills of consent and to give people opportunities to practice these skills in community.

We will have no way to vouch for any of our graduates, or make any recommendations: they will receive a certificate indicating the classes they attended. Any decision on whether they should be welcome at your events or whether they have demonstrated to you that it will be safe to have them in your community will be entirely up to you.

Registration for the classes is open. We will be starting a new round of twelve classes Fall 2024.
(Coming Soon)

Navigating Consent is a registered 501(c)3. All donations are tax deductible.