The Navigating Consent Series

  1. Honoring Others’ Consent: About Transgressing
  2. Claiming Your Consent: About Surviving

Sign up (coming soon) for the full series of six classes or come for the classes you are able. 

Class 1:  Collisions & Coercions

  • Who are we and what are we doing here?
  • Exploring ranges of violence and coercion.
  • What do we want from our sex lives and intimate relationships?
  • How will we get from here to there?

Class 2:  Roles We Play

  • Roles we were taught, Roles we were assigned
  • Roles we play in sex & relationships
  • What do roles have to do with power and safety?

Class 3:  Communication & Conflict

  • Speaking and Listening Skills
  • Noticing defensiveness
  • Win-Win solutions

Class 4:  Negotiation & Consent

  • How do we get comfy and sexy?
  • Explore safewords and “No”
  • Listening to others & expressing our own ideas and fantasies
  • Notice the power of body language.

Class 5:  Making it Better

  • Interventions & Accountability
  • Making room for feedback and disagreements
  • Practice hard conversations
  • Softening exercises

Class 6:  Recovery and Resilience

  • Taking care of ourselves & each other
  • Supporting our communities
  • Building a culture of consent